Based in Amsterdam (NL), Irian Schuur is an illustrator with a graphic approach or a graphic designer with an illustrative way of working. He likes to get his hands dirty with different printmaking techniques. In his work he researches different mediums like drawing, typography, collaging, photography, graphic design and printmaking. Resulting in a wide range of combinations and outcomes.
2021 BA Illustration and Graphic Design, Minerva Art Academy Groningen (NL)
2019 Internship at Hatch Show Print, Nashville (USA)
2022 Ode aan de Lino ‘Roaring Twenties’, Zaans Museum,
Forbo Linoleum Kunstprijs Nominee
2021 CLASH Museumnacht,
2021 Detour graduation show Academie Minerva, Minerva
Award for Design Nominee
2018 Illustratie 57
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